Spring Adventures: My Happy Week 1.

This is a brand new series I am going to start and ever week I will do a blog post on what's made me happy, whether it be an adventure with friends, a pizza and kebab or a good eyebrow day. There's two much sadness and depressive statuses in today's society, and this makes me sad.

This weeks happy week was totally unplanned, I finished college early, picked up Austin and his friends and drove. I mean, we did get lost (top tip, don't follow boys instructions), crossed a river and I nearly died and I think I walked 10,000 steps that day. I enjoyed the fresh air, the ability to just drive and not care about anything and I loved going to a place which holds so many happy memories with the person I love.

Bowder stone isn't just a stone which has been here ever since the Glaciers, it isn't the place were you can shake hands underneath it. Apart from all them things, it's the place where I feel comfortable and the place I feel closest to my Grandad.

I loved this day because I just smiled and laughed and climbed up hills and raced Austin, seen a herd of Deers' running through the forest, skimmed stones in the river and seen who could hit the rock.

Something which makes you happy doesn't need to cost a fortune, I think I used under 5 pounds worth of petrol and parking was actually more.

Because this is what I learnt to drive for, this is why I wanted to pass my test in time for summer, so I could do these things. I could tell Austin to get ready because were going on an adventure... even though we ended up in Tesco and went back to his.

I seen the sun go down behind the mountains and it was honestly beautiful, I live in such a gorgeous part of the world and I'm totally oblivious to it all when I'm staring at a computer screen (like now)

Bowder stone, my friends, my boyfriend and my family, you, these, are my happy place which makes me have a happy week. Whats' your happy week?


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