Me and my life crisis.

Now, I'm the first to admit that I'm a bit of a Drama Queen and every time I get a paper cut (which is a lot actually, god knows why) I always beg for a plaster and god forbid I have a bad head... Well, that must mean I have a bleeding brain and I have 40 seconds to live.

But any ways, back to the point, I'm panicking. I'm panicking because I don't know what I want to do with my life. I'm panicking because I've just found out that I'm basically not going to get into University because my stupid course and my stupid College changing things around. I don't know what to do and it's making me panic like nothing else, I hate not knowing what's happening and what's going to happen.

I also got really annoyed with my friends, which made me annoyed with Austin (he was just there, no other reason than being a easy target), which then lead me onto dying my hair half blue and half pink. I always do this and now it means I can't wear pink toned lipstick because it looks silly. God damn it!

I always go through this "I'm gonna loose weight" crack, but then I eat a cheese cake slice, a share packet of crisps and a packet of caramel cookies. At the moment I'm 100% hating my body, my weight, my figure and Anna in general. Do you loose weight at uni? Oh.. I mean that doesn't matter BECAUSE I'M NOT GONNA GET IN! I try and be as positive as I can be, but right now, Anna is very unhappy and a little bit scared.

I boast all the time that my friends are wonderful creatures, and they are, just not right now. Because telling me that everything will be okay or it will all go to plan isn't working and it isn't helping. Things aren't going to plan and right now, I don't even know what to do because support at College is 0. I know they just want what's best for me and I get that they are in a really awkward position because me crying in the middle of a restaurant about my life isn't something they thought would happen. And I understand that most of them are going to go on and have jobs and it's only me, Hayward and Dan who are going to University.

I don't even know what this post is about, well I do, it's about me having a life crisis and being told to 'toughen up' by Corey. P.S go away, I don't want to speak to you right now.

So yeah, I have a conditional place at University which I'm not going to achieve, that's all. Honestly, hand on my heart, I am so scared of July and results day. Maybe College wasn't the best thing for me.. Or maybe I just didn't try hard enough.

can anyone help me before I face plant my sticky toffee pudding and have a serving of tears instead of custard?


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