My Boy Friend answers some Q's about me.

Who is Annas best friend?

Me, dan and maybe corey. Probably some others from Workington, but we love her more.

If Anna would sing with anyone, who would it  be?

Adele, chasing pavements.

Nutella or millies?

Nutella all the way.

Who was Annas first love?

Can I swear on here? (no karl) either that horrible boy from her school or the other horrible boy she loved last year.

Spell Annas middle name

God damn anna. Louisa? Is that right? Let me look at facebook.

What's Anna currently learning to do?

Drive, be lady like, not drunk call. The list goes on.

What gcse does anna want to resit?

German and dont I know about it.

Whats her nickname?

Nana (correction, Nanna), anal, chicken nugget, annaltee.

Whats the name of her fish?

Kieran, Ewan, Fried. (wrong. Ewan, Fried and Kieran junior)

Is Anna single?

Does mazza read this? (he has not just called my mam, mazza) I think she is single. She hasn't been ranting on about anyone for a while anyways.

I'm actually quite suprised how much karl knows about me. This just means I'll have to do one with nice Dan and Corey so they don't sulk.

Hope this was okay! I've been bombarded by assignments I need to finish, so sorry about it being short.


X x x


  1. Mazza? You should call me Mrs Dixon until we are formally introduced. Tut tut.


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