The reason I started Blogging.

Many of you have asked 'What made you want to blog?' or 'Why have you started to blog?'. These are very good questions and instead of answering you individually and repeating myself over and over, I thought to myself why not just make a blog post all about it. so here it is.

Only a few of you will know that I started blogging a while back, in 2013 actually. I started blogging because I had all these feelings I needed to express but I didn't want to take my anger and emotions out on my family or friends. I have always found writing down my feelings works better for me because I don't have to look people in the eye. I can also edit bits I don't want to remember in the later days.

Looking back I have always sort of Blogged, before blogging was a thing. I can remember in year 8 in Miss Armstrongs class, as she was back then. I wrote about a little girl who discovered how her mam really died. It wasn't as sad as you probably think, it was in a land with mermaids and stuff. Any ways, I wrote it like I was angry and like I would say it. I realised from that point that I wrote things in a way no one else did. I was sat in a class full of people who basically wrote the same stuff over and over. I was the back sheep in that class, I stood out.

I used to keep a book which I wrote all about my days and how I felt. I used to scribble who I loved and if he looked at me, because that means we are getting married right?? On my first blog I used to write about everything, I means everything. and along the way I would include a review about lush or make up and other beauty related things. but a very big chunk of it was about me and my life. Over the years I have racked up thousands of views on my posts about a boy who I once loved, death and exam results.

I have went seriously off subject, but what did make me blog? Really? I just think I needed to express myself, without being the drama queen I formally am. I was going through a tough time and it was hard for me to speak to people about my problems. I was Nanna Anna, and she doesn't have problems. Wrong, She does.

My other blog is slowly but surely getting closed down, to a point were I will make it private and everyone will join over here. I have people from all around the world viewing this blog and it scares me, I'm just a kid from Workington.

I would tell anyone who just needs to let off some steam to blog, because it is the best at doing just that.

Next week I will have a Lush haul, so keep them eyes peeled!!

Have a great week!


X x x


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