Update on my Engineering Course.


As some of you may know and have read on a previous blog post, I do engineering. Now that blog post opened a few peoples eyes and made them think. It also made a lot of you guys message me asking lots of questions and basically just asking if I was okay. I am fine, so to clarify a few peoples questions, I've decided to do a Q&A.

What made you do Engineering?
Why not do Engineering? I like having ideas and making them in the end. With Engineering the possibilities are endless and you literally have no idea where it may take you.
Do you regret not going to 6th form?
Good question, I do in the sense that I have kind of disowned my friends and I don't really speak to them as much. But no, I love College and I love how much freedom is gives me. I wouldn't have had all the opportunities I have had as well, and I would have missed the amazing people I now call friends.
Do you have any 'friends'?
'Friends' excuse me? Just because I don't go licking every ones arse. But to answer your question, yes, yes I do have friends who love me for who I am and what I am doing. Idiot.
Is it just all maths?
Mehhhh. In some sense it is, but its nothing like the maths you do at school. As long as you get SOH CAH TOA and angles you will be grand. Just make sure you get a good calculator, because it will be your best friend for a very long time.
So what happens now?
I assume you mean after July? Honestly, I have no idea. Depending if I accept any of the apprenticeships, I'll go with that. Or I will just stay on at college and go my Extended Diploma and go University or where ever my brain will take me!
Why didn't you just go Lakes College?
Because Carlisle had better opportunities for me and it had better equipment to suit my course. Trust me, I like my sleep very much but it is worth the half 6 get ups.
But why do you blog when you want to be a Architect?
I like blogging, I like sharing my thoughts with people who enjoy the same stuff as me. I also like to have a reason to spend so much in LUSH. You never know, I might end up getting something out of blogging and change my mine.
Are you a lesbian?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HA. after A LOT of speculation and lots of people just assuming I like girls. No. like I said in the other post. Is it because I look better in overalls than you? Sorry about that.
Have you made friends with the people who bullied you on your first few days?
I will never make friends with them, but I don't hate them. I know where they were coming from and to be fair, a lot of my friends now including Corey probably said something about me. Can't we all forgive and forget? Actually scrap all that. Hell to the no. I will never, ever make friends with them or even make eye contact with them ever again. Boo you.
Did anyone on your course stick up for you?
At first no. But once I started to make friends they stuck up for me and made sure I felt comfortable in situations.
I thought you wanted to be a teacher?
I did, I idolised my 3 favourite teachers, Miss Hibberts my form tutor who is the best! Miss Burns who kept on smiling when she wanted to kill us all. and Mr Davidson who is my all time fave. I can still do teaching but all i want to do is work in a studio in London designing sky scrappers.

Hope that made sense to everyone!


X x x


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