Things don't always go to plan.

I was going to do a review on a make up product, but I think this topic is a bit more important.

Around about now, people find out if they have been accepted into Colleges, Courses and even Uni. You might have dreams and have your heart set on a certain course, but things don't go to plan.

Last year, I had my whole heart set on going to Gen 2 (This is a Engineering course in my home town.). I didn't pass my Aptitude test by 3 points. I was heart broken. my one and only plan was gone and I didn't have a clue what to do. I'm a strong believer of the quote 'As one door closes, another one opens'. I just wasn't sure when this door was going to open.

A door did open, 3 doors. I got accepted into two Colleges and a 6th Form. I picked college , as you all know.

My point is, things don't go to plan. You wont get all the things you apply for. I know this, I went all the way to Manchester and didn't get my apprenticeship. but I never stopped. It made me work a little harder, challenge myself a little longer and make myself the best possible person I could be.

Here's a few tips to help you not so much cope, but see the light at the end of the dingy tunnel.

  1. Reward yourself for even getting this far, it doesn't mean you aren't good enough for them. It just means you have to work a little harder.
  2. Don't get yourself down, it;s going to be okay.
  3. Don't give up, I can honestly tell you that there will be other opportunities around for you. They are probably even better.
  4. The best thing I ever done when I didn't have a clue what to do, was go back to school and speak to my old German teacher. He told me what I already knew, that I could do this and I just had to stick it out.
  5. I can't really encourage you to go and get drunk because you are probably under the legal age, but go out and forget about it for a while. Watch a movie, go for a walk, paint your nails or my personal favourite. Get so drunk you are sick (I don't like the sick bit though.)

Even if you have to go on another course to get your dream job or even your dream course, go you!

Follow your dreams, you will get there.


X x x


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