What's suppose happen vs. What did happen.

Opening the first exam paper

Now I’m not sure what your first exam will be, but what I do know is that you will be shitting
yourself. What will happen if you sit higher and not foundation? What will happen if you write your
surname as your forename? Now sit back, put the revision book down for a couple of minutes and
chill. Phew.

Opening the first exam paper is always the hardest and trust me, you will be shaking and sweating
and might even feel like you are going to be sick everywhere. Let me talk you through a perfect
scenario and the scenario I had for my English exam.

The perfect scenario will be that you all line up outside where ever the exam is taking place (you
must find out prior to your exam.) you will know your seat number and row. Your teacher is
normally standing with you telling you good luck and giving you advice on whatever. The doors open and you potter in the room leaving all your bags coats in a suitable place (just don’t take your phone
or take the battery out, don’t do what most do and leave it in your pockets. It’s not allowed and you
may get removed from all exams with that exam board. Play safe and leave it with a teacher or
friend.) you sit down at your desk and the examiner goes through a few rules. You will now be able
to fill out your details like your name, school name, school exam number and your exam number.
Normally these are found on a piece of paper on your desk but shout up if you need help. You must
have these. After you’ve filled out this comes the tricky part. Probably the most nerve racking part of
this whole thing. You open the exam paper and…. Oh look, multiple choice questions, great! Maybe 
opening the first exam paper wasn’t that hard!

Now here comes the scenario which happened to me, Gods have mercy on my anxiety riddled body.

My English exam, 3rd June 2014, a date which will forever be engraved into my head. I had to have a room change because I had one of the worst chest infections in the world and I was coughing like an
old man. I got moved into the room with people doing a different exam board and let’s just say… The noisy lot. That exam was hell, not the actual exam because I aced that but the whole system about
it. People didn’t know what they were doing or where they were supposed to be. People were trying
to speak to people (don’t do this) and it was just carnage. Oh, did I mention we started hella late
which meant that we finished late meaning I missed revision? Well we did. I got moved to this room
because I didn’t want to distract everyone from their exam by my coughing, I coughed once in that
exam and that was a sly way of telling the lad beside me to sit the hell up. Overall, I rate that exam
the worst time of my life, and guess what? It wasn’t even my first exam, typical.

Exams aren’t meant to scare you, make you angry or have a near enough break down and forget
how to spell. No. they are there to test how much you have learnt since your SATS in year 6,
remember those bad boys? I know it’s unfair that you have so many in so little time. I know this because I had maths without a calculator and then design technology all in one day.

You can do this, you really can and it doesn’t matter if you don’t get your predicted grades, I mean it
would be great to get a pass in everything but you are worth more than that result. Only you can
pass that exam meaning you’re going to have to work your arse off for it because exams aren’t easy
and they don’t just hand out C grades. Teachers, tutors and even parents can help and relate bit only
you can be in charge of results day fate.


X x x

P.s- I thought I got a D in my English when I got a B, I thought I had failed my Drama when I got a A in the exam. I have faith.


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