One girl Vs. The World

                                 Unicorns and Fairy Dust

I am once again, blown away by every ones kind words. If you don't know, and you are confused over this blog. Let me tell you. yesterdayIi had a interview for 3 newspapers and one online paper, because I am a girl doing a male dominated course. Not only this, I entered a competition a few months back for a weeks placement at Nestle, at Dalston. I never thought I would even get a look in, but I did. tomorrow, I'm going to the finals of the competition and hopefully I will win.

Slight problem, I'm the only girl. I'm actually the only girl in Cumbria who does Engineering at College, which is ridiculous. Maybe this is for my advantage, I just hope I don't win because they feel sorry for me. I am so excited to walk into a room and see everyone's faces. You know what the worst part is? The one boy who skitted me on my first day, is competing against me. so lets kick some arse!

Another thing I want to address really quick is my last blog post. Me and Karl, who is my bestfriend done A Q&A. and he came up with the idea of using the word Boy Friend to trick everyone. You know, hahaha we are so funny. I never realised how may people would take it seriously, guys, he is my bestfriend. I had people messaging me telling me how wrong it was, that I was lying. BOY FRIEND AND BOYFRIEND ARE TWO DIFFERENT WORDS. 

On a happier note, I need a logo to go with my blog, so if you have any ideas, please leave a comment or get in touch with me! Something on the lines of a unicorn with glitter, but I am open to offers.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow, lets prove everyone wrong.


X x x


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