Lush Massage bar HELP ME

Tonight I will post 2 blog posts, one a quick one (this one) and another which is rather long. This one, obviously is about a Lush product which I am a bit miffed with. basically, I don't understand it.

Now I love Lush, I really like the products and I treat myself to Lush products instead of going out. Sad I know, but I don't have a social life. Any ways, this bar. at first I thought 'Woop a funky bar of soap' and the smell. Oh my. If you can combine all the smells of a Lush store and put it in a bar, this is it. It has that distinctive lush smell, which is rather nice.

Yes Yes Yes Massage Bar
So imagine this, I ran myself a bath, bubbles and all that. maybe even a cheeky bath bomb. I get in and want to try this bar. remember I thought it was soap. I started to apply this and it did nothing, it didn't rather up and then I felt my skin. This is where I got really confused, like really confused. It almost left a wax layer on my skin which was super hard to get off. After I washed it off and I must admit, it did leave my skin feeling super soft. After all that, I goggled 'Lush yes yes yes bar.' Now this bar made me think two things. One, it wasn't soap, opps. And two, it said that as it was a massage bar, you needed a second person to 'massage it into you' Slight problem here Lush, my friend. That being I'm single and don't really have baths in front of people who will massage my back.

I tried it for the second time and I still didn't get it, I'm just so confused over it. maybe I do need a boyfriend to massage it into me. So basically if you do know how to use these things alone and not have to have a second pair of hands, please help me. I feel so sad that a Lush product is getting left out at bath time.


X x x


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