Hiya! I was tagged in another Bloggers Q&A, so here it is! 20 questions all about me!

What is your all time favourite make up?
Good question. Probably Estee Lauder Double wear light. I only really wear make up on the weekends though.
Who's your best friend?
I really don't want to upset anyone by saying this. It has got to be Karl followed by either Dan or Corey. Sorry guys!
Last party you went to?
Lisa's on Friday, was a good night. Just, not so good in the morning when I had work!
Hair colour?
Brown/Pink/Purple/Green/Black/Ginger. Every colour to be fair, dying it again soon so god knows!
Single or taken?
Single *cries*
Biggest regret?
Not punching enough people and telling people what I really thought of them. Boo you.
Last movie you watched?
The Fault In Our Stars, I cried. A lot.
Last person you messaged on face book? What did it say?
I messaged Dan D saying 'Just think of old women'. Just don't even ask okay.
What's your natural hair colour?
Dark brown. It is horrible and I hate it.
Why did you get into Blogging?
I'm going to do a post on this soon, but I like sharing my thoughts to others. I also like helping people, because I do have some sort of heart.
Favourite Lush product?
Cupcake, need I say more.
Bath Bomb or Bath Melt?
Bath bomb, Granny takes a dip if you must know.
What are you wearing today?
Not a lot.
Can you drive?
Hopefully very soon I will be on them roads! But to answer your question, no, not yet.
Do you have a Dog?
My Mam has a dog, which lives in my house. So I suppose I do, Its called blue and I hate him.
Last book you read?
Last book I fully read was 'Where Rainbows End' brilliant book.
Can you play a instrument?
Would you ever go back to your ex?
They are all ex's for a reason. But I do still speak to 2 of them!
Do you want to get married?
Who doesn't want to get married and have a white wedding dress? Yes, of course.
Would you ever go on a blind date?
Only if I know who it is before hand. So basically no, never.


X x x


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